Robust cyber defence

Enhancing cyber resilience through the effective management of human factor risk

Cyber Culture empowers leaders to develop themselves and their teams to become a robust layer of cyber defence. This ensures that leaders establish the right organisational culture, are confident when working with critical suppliers, and lead staff teams who understand the risks they face everyday in their role.

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Frank and Stan Chat SPOTLIGHT No. 8

Tom Zebedee 'Effective Cyber Security reflects leadership'.

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interactive staff training

Engagement with Cyber Culture will provide an interactive experience for leadership teams and colleagues who manage information and data. Packages include assistance to develop effective governance, understand your current level of current capability and develop action plans to improve risk management and mitigations.

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DBE School Improvement were delighted to host a briefing by Tom for headteachers and senior leaders from the schools we support. Tom's presentation was informative, practical and gave concrete examples of how a school can build and maintain a cyber-aware culture. The practical steps were really helpful and he quickly took some of the fear out of the situation. Colleagues left feeling that this is an issue they can and will address with their whole staff team to better protect the school.

Paul Duckworth Head of School Improvement DBE Services

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